Do you have one (or more) game design(s)? Cool! You have a few different options. You can publish the game yourself if you think you have the knowledge, or you can try to sell the game idea to a publisher. We can help you either way.

If you are interested in publishing your game yourself, we’d be happy to offer you our marketing and graphic design services. We could give you a few pointers for your Kickstarter page, or design and run the entire thing for you, or anywhere in between. Just contact us for the possibilities.

If you would like to just design games and would like to sell your idea to a publisher, we can also help you out. We are only interested in games that fit our company. This means we will only look at games and game ideas that have exploring as either a theme or game mechanic.  If your game is language independent, we will most likely publish it in at least 6 languages. If not, we will try to publish it in at least English, German and Dutch. If you think you have a game (idea) that suits our interest, feel free to contact us. It is also possible to make an appointment and pitch your game in our booth in Essen.